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Cell stock할 때 DMSO를 넣는 이유와 glycerol과의 차이

by 박해돌 2023. 2. 12.

Mammalian cell을 배양하다 보면, 계대 배양을 멈추고 액체질소에 보관해야 할 때가 옵니다. 이번에는 cell stocking 실험에 필수적으로 사용하는 DMSO에 대해서 알려드리겠습니다. E.coli를 배양할 때 glycerol을 사용하는 이유와 같은 역할을 지니기도 합니다. 

What is DMSO?

DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) is often used as a solvent for cryopreserving cells, such as during the freezing of cell stocks. The reason for this is that DMSO has unique properties that make it useful for this purpose.


The role of the DMSO

One of the main advantages of DMSO is that it can penetrate cell membranes and help protect the cells from damage during the freezing process. DMSO works by stabilizing the cell membranes and preventing ice crystal formation, which can cause damage to the cells.


Additionally, DMSO has low toxicity and does not interfere with cell metabolism, making it a suitable solvent for preserving cells. When used in the proper concentration, DMSO can help maintain cell viability and promote the survival of cells after thawing.


In conclusion, DMSO is commonly used in cell stock freezing because it helps protect cells from damage, has low toxicity, and does not interfere with cell metabolism.


The difference between DMSO and glycerol 

There are some differences between the two that should be considered when choosing a cryoprotectant for a specific application.

One major difference between DMSO and glycerol is their ability to penetrate cell membranes. DMSO has a relatively high capacity for penetrating cell membranes and is therefore more effective at protecting cells from damage during the freezing process. On the other hand, glycerol has a lower capacity for penetrating cell membranes and is less effective at protecting cells from damage.


Another difference between DMSO and glycerol is their toxicity. DMSO is generally considered to be less toxic to cells than glycerol, although this can vary depending on the concentration used and the type of cells being preserved.


Additionally, glycerol is often preferred over DMSO for some applications because it is less expensive and easier to obtain. It is also more compatible with some cell types, such as mammalian cells, and does not have the strong odor that DMSO is known for.







